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Skinner Farms

When I tell you its been a wild ride owning a catering company, the story wouldn't be the same without mentioning my friends at skinner farms.

When I first started this company my goal was to know the farmers I was working with on a more personal level, to really have a working friendship. I got my first opportunity at this when I got tasked to do my first big farm to table dinner at Bernheim forest. I was tasked with doing a full farm to table dinner with the main course being chicken. Having just moved back to louisville I had no idea where to look for a local chicken farmer. But luck would have it, that shortly after a local brewery was having a spring Farm CSA meet and greet and I had the opportunity to Meet Amy and Dan Skinner.

When I walked in I scanned every booth for the word chicken with no luck, I was starting to get nervous when I rounded the corner and sitting there with a free moment to talk to them was Skinner farm! I pounced overly excited and probably talking way too fast. But I left that day with an order in place and the beginning of an amazing friendship.

One of the things I love most about local farmers is there passion for what they do and the amount of hard work they put into doing it. I will never understand somedays how the skinners raise a family and have there full time farm, among other projects. Over the years our friendship has grown and they given me multiple opportunities to help out on their farm.

They have shown me again and again what a good community can do for you, be a good person and good people will want to show up for you in return.

The have even trusted my crazy ideas enough to start throwing a yearly farm dinner, if you haven't attended one yet, you're missing out!

You can find the skinners products online at (they ship!) at their farm store on there farm in Shelbyville ky (check there instagram or Facebook for hours) Or at the summer farmers markets at East gate (parklands) and Simpsonville farmers markets. They have full line of pork, poultry, eggs, spices, and fall thanksgiving turkeys!

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